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August 28, 2006


Jonathan Edwards

Hi Arne,

Jonathan Edwards here from Leeds. Hope you are well my brother, it's been years since I've seen you. Paul Hubbard keeps me up to date, great and blessed to hear how God is using you in the nations of the earth. I've just started a blog myself, the link is above, will keep reading your posts,

be blessed



This is spot on.

My teenage daughter found her faith this summer, because a couple of people saw that she was ripe for harvest.

Rejoice with us :)


What a good question! You really know how to challenge me! Yet i don`t know so many here in Germany, but when the Holy Ghost leeds me, I will go!

Akinola Akinyede

Good and challenging post Arne.

Geir Tore T. Hanssen

Ja no er din "tvillingbror" dukket opp Arne. I den nye jobben eg har fått er min produksjonsjef nesten prikkens lik deg på utseendet og har mykje av personligheten din også. Det er berre ein ny födsel som mangler og han kjem til å bli "Arne 2".:)


Just having a look round
God bless
Maria in the UK


I have the same burden.

The works of the Holy Spirit is amazing.

Few days ago I 'encountered ' someone while crossing a traffic light ..we started talking about bad traffic lights could be and other things ...:- ) and then I asked him if he knows God. He said there no God.:- )So he was sort of an atheist. I then was able to witness to Him the Presence of God everywhere and the Presence of Jesus Christ the Son of God as his Personal God ..and then after a while, I asked him to look at the beautiful sky and tell me what he sees when he sees the sky.

God,I do not know I see God....,that is what he said.

I was a bit ‘jelous’ b/c God opened his eyes there and then to recognize Him ,even by the mere look of the sky.

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The kid ,
From Manchester

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I've never really thought about my favorite letter but I guess it would be K. It's the first letter of my first born's name and it's fun to make it fancy. :)
WAY cute collection, my favorite so far!!!
Oooooh how cute is this!?! That jumping frog just makes me smile!

My favorite letter is A... just because my name starts with it. :)

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